Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Leaving Arizona

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008

Angel's mom Yvonne has been with us since California and was a joy to have, but left to go back to California as we left Arizona today.

We also had to say good bye to the family in Arizona, Uncle Ruben and Abigail, Savana, and little Ruben. Thank you for having us!

Land of the Giants

I think the thing that made the biggest impression on me in Arizona were these giant cacti, the Saguaros. My daughter looks like a cabbage patch doll next to these giants, so I had to take a picture with me as well to convince any would be skeptics of the magnificence of these giants.

Fun Facts about the Saguaro Cactus

Scientific Name: Carnegiea gigantea

  • They grow up to 50 feet or 600 inches tall, but only at a rate of 1 inch a year
  • It takes 50 years for it to grow its first arm (branch). A Saguaro with 5 arms is usually over 200 years old
  • While its the state flower of Arizona, and it has always been appreciated by original native American owners of Arizona for the fruit's flesh, seeds, and juice.
  • It has over 4000 seeds inside the fruit.
  • Inside of these plump Cacti they have a woody structural skeleton.
You can learn more @

This was the incredible view as we drove on the Arizona 60 Highway through Superior. These outcropping held many of the splits and gaps that the Native Americans originally discovered Gold in, they however considered it a fairly useless metal and innocently gave it to the Spainards, helping to excite their lust for this land.

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