Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Texas-El Paso-Family Gathering

Saturday, July 5th, 2008

While we were in El Paso visiting Esmee and Frankie, Esmee planned a party for everyone in El Paso to visit us. WOW WEE, this is the Texas side, I can't wait to see the others Irrobali's in California join in a picture. We had a blast, our Texas family is so fun.

This is Lydia and Joel, have three daughters, Rosie, Stephani, Denise and one boy Joel. And numerous grandchildren.

Corrine and Frank came down for the July 4th weekend. Nicho and Margie join us to watch the fireworks. Nicho and Margie have 5 children, Michelle, Micheal, Mark, Monica, Melissa, also many grandchildren. All M's kind of funny.

Sadly we only saw Melissa, Nicho and Margie daughter, husband Tony, kids Alexis, Tony, Lluvia. But Melissa made this delicious cake I couldn't get enough of.
Isaiah is a sweet little baby. He is so cute and good. Frank and Esmee's baby and the happy grandpa my uncle Frank.

This is Stephani's family, Lydia and Joel's daughter, husband Sergio, kids, Sergio, and Gabriel.

Josie's daugthers, Linda and Lina, and Lina's friend, Josie has two son's Johnny and Joshua.
This is Esmee's brother, Joseph, who David and Joseph fell in love with. Skateboarding buddies.

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