Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Broke in Colorado

Monday-Wednesday, July 21st-23rd, 2008

   "This too shall pass."
    Nothing like a little adversity to remind you of human vulnerability in this age of modernity. We blew up our transmission at the end of 12 hours of driving through Kansas and Colorado, as we climbed up t0 5600 feet elevation, just about 99 miles outside of Denver.  Monday Night along side the road, Tuesday's uncertainty, and Wednesday's wait all worked out so that we had a place to stay, food to eat, and the time and resources to find a proper fix for our problem. Turns out this particular VIN of Honda Odyssey had minor problems with 2nd gear and the module that shortened its life. We are getting a Honda factory updated transmission and updated module that will bring our van back to modernity.  

In the meantime, we are departing for the Rockies in a rental to continue enjoying our time together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While you were away, we had a 5.4 earthquake with the epicenteer in Chino Hills. It was just 7 miles down inside the earth. Largest quake in over 10 years since the Northridge one. No real damage. I was on my way to the grocery store and didn't feel it. They said on the news that some of Pomona's buildings in the antique district received some brick damage. Just for your info. Glad you are still traveling around Colorado. Today is Tuesday, July 29th and hope you got your car back today and should be on your way to St. George, Utah. Love, Mom & Grandma Nancy